This is very uncommon for the man I have come to suspect as Clark Kent-like, living the facade of human limitation, while in reality possessing a full spectrum of superpowers. Turns out that after the manner of a certain Greek hero, my husband's Kryptonite is that tedious little Achilles tendon...which snapped, tore, ruptured, or otherwise _______(insert favorite disconnecting verb here) while playing softball.
It could have been his second home run of the game had the tendon sniper not gunned him down between first and second base. To the untrained ball watching eye (mine) it looked like he had just slipped in the dirt. So it took a minute to register why he didn't bounce right back up and instead just laid there, barely moving, as fellow teammates (and a worried wife) hurried to investigate.
The events that followed went something like this: Pain. Shock. ER. Cast. Crutches. Pain. Medication. Surgery. New cast. Pain. More medication. Down for the count. Foot elevated. Restless. Frustrated. Two weeks out of work. Stir crazy. Hopping. Hobbling. Driving left footed. Slowly working back into life, but still on crutches for three more weeks, and after that a walking cast for I don't know how long. Physical therapy starts at 3 months, and total recovery time can be anywhere from 9 to 12 months. Ouch.
Today was his first day back at work and he would have even made it the whole day had the brakes not gone out in my car, causing him to have to leave work early to rescue me. So even in his compromised state he is still my Superhero--and now I will treat you to some rarely seen footage of Superman down.

French, huh? That's so funny. Chris provides quite the entertainment when coming out of anesthesia (sp) also. Here's to a quick recovery and no more trips to the hospital for you guys for a very long time.
He told me he just needed attention! I really really don't understand how he was thinking in French!! How does that happen when you don't know french?????? I am glad he his up amd at'em more
Wow- I don't want to even think about how painful that was. Glad he is on the mend. And how cute is Cairo?
ohhhh, so sad. hope recovery continues to go well, and that p.t. is not so painful!
french?!?! crazy.
At least it was all for the greater good of church sports--way to take one for the team Brian! So Amy, do you think this would be a good time to convert him to Gilmore Girls???
That picture of Cairo is priceless!
Our hearts and prayers go out to you. I logged in tonight thinking I'd see baby pictures. Well, your babies are delightful. Love to all!
Well, French is the language of the Gods, but we are not biased at all. We just got back from the motherland of France--it was dirty and the people really don't have any customer service skills to speak of.
Apparently even Superheroes need down time.
Rest up Brian!
Robin and Austin
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