Within the span of four days, there are three birthdays to celebrate , each belonging to one of my MI's. (The hip way to refer to "most importants" according to the book I just read.) The fun starts July 20th (which coincided with my return from Mexico so forgive the belated nature of this entry--but it was a fantastic stint in the Mayan Riviera--and much footage will follow) with my DAD's big day. My MOM is right on his tail with a July 22nd b-day and the very next day, my own PRINCE CHARMING turns another year wiser. And buffer, of course.
This triple whammy is a lot like the week in December when we celebrate two sons' birthdays and Christmas within a one week span: When it rains, it pours. But birthdays are cheerier than rain so you won't find me complaining, however you will find me struggling to balance so much love and celebration, which I am doing even now as I try to write this entry. How to give proper air time (web time?) in tribute of the two outstanding people who gave me life, and the stand-out person who is my life. Overwhelming indeed.
I thought through some alternative options to save me the blogging anxiety, but I think you'll find my list as impressive as the lounge singer in La Laguna, which was Mexico's answer to American Idol's worst moments, so the blog entry won out in the end.
1. Play dead
2. Plagerize a few Hallmark cards and call it good
3. Conveniently "forget" and plead innocent on account of early Alzheimer's
4. Convince my loved ones that birthdays are "so yesterday" and you'll stay young longer if you ditch them
5. Send flowers instead-- or better yet, a singing telegram, if those still exist
6. Leave my self-appointed Hallmark-Central post 6 months early because half a year ain't half a bad!
7. Just Do It, Because Michael Jordan would, and he's rich.
So I'm doing it, in spite of the fact I can never do my MI's justice, but hoping my sincerity will compensate for my inability and that my poor attempt is better than no attempt at all.
You are not only kind, gentle, smart, funny, talented, and P.A. of the year-- you are to the family what "Houston" is to NASA, serving as mission control to keep us informed, connected and up to date on the details of each other's lives. The grandkids adore you, your children enjoy you, and your lifetime of learning, growing, shaping, redirecting, and authenticating has developed very real and very rooted relationships with the people who matter most. I love your "ideas of the week", whether a new invention, a small business/large business/family business idea, a book or movie plot, or even a new and improved form of societal living. My favorite part is your passion behind each idea, even if dreaming it up is more the sport than actual implementation. Just today you shared your latest plan: A bakery that sells butter tarts to Canadians in Phoenix. See what I mean? You rock. And I love that you're Canadian too. You are pleasant and easy to be around, full of humor, endearing chit chat and enough trivia to blow anyone out of the water, while also able to carry on deep and meaty discussions on any level with any person. Your busiest years stretched behind you, and your shining golden years still ahead, you are healthy, happy, admired, appreciated, and have accomplished much with your life. Thank you for your friendship, your dedication, and your love.
You are confident, independent, free-spirited, and adventurous...the kind of grandma who would bungee jump off the highest bridge in South Africa, be the last one on any dance floor, and squeeze the marrow out of life, never wasting a moment, but never hurrying too much. You are a true lover and respecter of nature and animals, taking time to notice a beautiful spider web in Oahu, listen to a howler monkey in Mexico, or worry about a starving stray dog in Chile. You raised your children with wholeheartedness, attentiveness, and a playfulness that makes childhood the stuff of fairytales. You raised five boys and a girl with a vigor and vitality that taught us each to love the world and every person in it. You were always there to listen when we were ready to talk, and always there to remind us of the best that was within us. Your token question to me after any social event was not "did you have a good time?" but "did everyone around you have a good time?" and this worrying more about others and less about myself fostered in me a deep sense of compassion that has served me my whole life. You are a people person, a solid "yellow" and the life of any party. You are the embodiment of faith, which has generated miracle after miracle in your life and the lives of those who have the privilege to be on the receiving end of your prayers. I take pride in being your daughter and great satisfaction in being your friend. Thank you for your example, your fervor, and your love.
We culminate the triple whammy with you, but your post is coming tomorrow. It is past midnight now, and you are sleeping as your birthday officially begins. I am excited to delve into my thoughts about you, Johnny A, and post some fun pics of our latest adventures. Stay tuned...I love you.