Do you stack your drinking glasses in the cupboard open side up or open side down and what is the logic behind your method? I can see a case for either way, and so have never adopted an official way of doing it. The drawback is I find myself going back and forth about the choice every single time I put clean dishes away and it's exhausting. For my sanity, I'd like to have a way and stick with it--so any input would be much appreciated. Thanks from me and my glasses.
P.S. So as not to be all take and no give, her is a tip in exchange for your help:
Blue drinking glasses make water taste better. I know it's true because all but two of mine have broken (some crazy curse going on in my house) and water just hasn't been the same around here. Sigh.
open side up. we go through them pretty fast. open side down if we don't use the glass often.
we stack ours open side up, since our cupboards have doors and i'm not so worried about stuff getting in them. and i confess that i don't wipe out my glass cupboard often enough, so i'm worried about getting grime on the lip of the cup.
i also have a small set of glasses that i keep out on a tray, and i store those open side down so as to avoid getting dust, etc. inside the glass. i clean that try more regularly.
Open side up. No logic really--just how I was raised I guess. And it seems faster for some reason. And sometimes our glasses and cups are not completely dry when we put them away (yah, I'm lazy). But, if I know that a glass has been sitting there for a while, I will rinse it out before using it.
If they are stacked, open side down. If they are not stacked, open side up. Funny, that wasn't a conscious decision I made, just one I noticed.
don't stack. I set my glasses every other one is down and the other are up. they fill the space better and we don't accidentally drop one when trying to unstack them.
good luck
Business side up!
Make your kids put them away!! Then you don't have to decide.
you're mom converted me to open side up and i'm very satisfied with it. she said she used to do it because "someone" would often put them away wet so it helped them dry-out. my other reason for liking it is that sometimes shelves stink and i'd rather not drink from a stinky cup. as far as stacking, we do it out of necessity. all the cups won't fit if we don't stack so stack we do. i think i'd rather not though.
When I was training to work at a restaurant, I had to get a permit in the state of Utah. I had to actually go take a class to get a permit. Food service places are required to store their glasses open side down. At, least in Utah in 1995. So, that's what I do. I just have a soft liner in my cupboard.
I do open side down. Mainly because I was taught that this was the correct way to stack cups in the cupboard by my mom. This could be attributed to the fact we had more cups than we needed. (I swear we had a dozen coffee cups, some juice cups, dinner cups, everyday cups, nice dinner cups for when company comes, Christmas cups, goblets...you name it. ) If we didn't stack them open side down, they would fill full of dust. AND since I was the only daughter in a home without a dishwasher, it was my job to hand wash each cup.
Happy decision making!
Ours are open side down. Just the way my mom did it, I guess. I also have glasses that are wider at the top so I feel they are less likely to tip over that way. Never really thought about it in depth till now though! :)
Toilet paper goes over the top, not down the wall. There's no sane reason I can conceive of to make it further to reach and more difficult to rip.
Squeeze the toothpaste tube wherever you like, but once it gets low, grab the very bottom end of the toothpaste and gently close a door on it. With light pressure on the door, pull the tube toward you, and it will squeeze all the remaining toothpaste to the top of the tube.
Guys should put the toilet seat back down when they are done (so their loved ones don't fall in), BUT, girls should NEVER complain if a guy leaves the seat up. If he's already too lazy or inconsiderate to put the lid down when he's done and you complain about it, he's more likely to just not bother lifting it up at all, and I really don't think you want that. You probably have to spend time in a men's restroom to really understand. Just be grateful your guy lifts the seat.
Hey everyone, Thanks for your input! Funny, the thing I didn't take into consideration is that you would have good arguments for both sides, thereby perpetuating the quandary. But it's helped me realize there is clearly no wrong or right and the fact that my glasses are stacked about half and half right now may not be so bad. The upside down ones make a nice little foundation for the right side up ones, actually, so indecision has its benefits.
Open side up to avoid chemicals from the varnish on your cupboards contaminating the glass...so my engineer brother-in-law advises.
Me? IKEA rainbow colored plastic glasses are the kids' favorite, so we stack those and keep them in a bin in a low cupboard for them to reach. Sarah, age 3, loves this job!
And, if the glass has been through the dry cycle and still isn't completely dry? Make pyramids on the windowsill. Our winter-blaw Indiana days are cheered by the rainbow pyramid. Once dry, stack and place in bin.
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