I love my mother. I love my grandmothers. I love my mother in law. I love my sisters in law. I love my aunts, and cousins and my nieces who will be the next generation of mothers. I love my daughter. I love my girl friends. I love Mother nature. I love Mother earth. I love Motherhood. I love the Mother lode chocolate cake at Claim Jumper. I love being a woman, and I love being surrounded by many amazing women in my life who share with me the ups and downs of estrogen. I love being loved by a man, and I love being his woman. I love that I can say love 18 times in one blog entry, and I can do this because I am a woman. I can also watch chick flicks, cry for no reason, and spend too much money on accessories. I can drown my sorrows in chocolate, soak my feet in fizzy water, wear hot pink, and sigh over flowers. I can proudly display pasta picture frames on my fridge, and wear baseball photo buttons to Little League games. I can nurture, teach, play, guide, mentor, taxi, cook, clean, listen, love, cuddle, and wake up each day to do it all again. Here's to womanhood, motherhood, and the day that reminds us that although we are far from perfect, we are perfectly content being women.
Perfectly stated!
I had a typing error. Let me try again.
Sweet Amy, we sure love you. That "we" would be your sister in law and mother in law. We are so blessed because of you. Thanks for loving us. We think you are the best. Have a wonderful day.
There is always an exception to every rule - or at least so it appears. However, [although three full days late] I want to comment on the fact that Mother's Day is about mothers. It is about celebrating mothers, not marginalizing the most wonderful role simply because not everyone fits within the group. I know many want to be, wish they could, and hope to become mothers, and for those desires I respect them - as I do all women - however, on Mother's Day, I believe it is OK, appropriate, respectful, and politically correct to simply pay honor to MOTHERS - those wonderful women how have accepted to challenge and be a MOM; to bring other life into this world and give that life the love, care, nurture, and kindness each life requires and deserves. I know the world is full of women who do not deserve the title of "mother"- for that matter there are many men that fall into the same boat and don't deserve the title of "father" - however, those are not who we honor on Mother's Day. We honor those brilliantly, wonderful, not-quite-perfect-but-are-better-then-I -will-ever-be women how are worthy of the title of MOTHER and who have loved, taught, hugged, cared, caressed, feed, clothed, bathed, groomed, pampered, disciplined, and loved yet more their children. Honor is for the honorable - and we honor those that deserve the honor we so desperately need to bestow, but if we forget that honor is an exclusive club and we work desperately to redefine a term, a title, or a holiday to include every single possible person and make statement or comment about every single possible exception then we dilute the power of the honor and the value of the honored. I salute the role of MOTHER. I will not pretend to classify that role in my life as something other than a traditional MOTHER. I respect all women that deserve respect, just like a respect all people that deserve respect. But on MOTHER'S DAY - I say "Hooray for MOM" mine, my children's, and anyone who is a MOM. You are unique, members of an elite club, and you should be honored for your choice and a life time of dedication without feeling that this honor must be spread ever so thinly as to cover everyone equally. My mother taught me, "It will never be equal, but it should always be fair". And so it is with Mother's Day. All women everywhere should be respected, but I say one day a year, let's just slather respect, honor, and gratitude on those women who are indeed "MOMS".
To mine, and my LULU!! Happy Mother's Day.
See why I like being your woman?
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